Ecotourism Services

NATIVOS ACTIVOS Community Enterprise (RNT No. 27204) is in charge of ecotourism services; they belong to the Orika community in Isla Grande and they work hand in hand with Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia through the scheme of community-based ecotourism. The purpose behind this allegiance is to bring opportunities to the community to improve their living conditions by providing these services and, at the same time, to incorporate them as strategic allies in conservation efforts.

Camping zone

The camping zone has capacity for four (4) tents and maximum four (4) people in each tent.

PNN de Colombia


In Cocotera you can try typical food from the region, sweets and fruit juice prepared and served by the women from the community. Additionally, in the hotel restaurants in Isla Grande and Isla Pirata, Punta Barú, Múcura and Tintipán islands you can enjoy seafood. You can also find typical food in smaller restaurants in Isla Grande in Rosario archipelago; Playa Blanca, Barú town and Cholón inlet in Barú island; Islote and Múcura in the San Bernardo archipelago.

PNN de Colombia


There are three rooms for a total of eight (8) people. Bathrooms and showers are shared. There are also many accommodation options hotels and hostels in the Park’s zone of influence.

PNN de Colombia


There is a site with capacity for a total of nine (9) hammocks.

PNN de Colombia